Archive for the ‘Why can’t categories have commas in them?’ Category

The What and the How
July 16, 2010

My yoga teacher talked recently about the ‘what’ and the ‘how’. That is, that people often give up on ‘what’ they want because they don’t know ‘how’ to get there. In her words, if you can just identify what it is that you want to achieve, the Universe will provide the means to get there. You just have to be open to it.

Whether or not you would frame it in this vocabulary, it makes sense that you are more likely to be successful and to recognise opportunities to advance towards your goals if you first define for yourself what they are. I decided to try to make a list of my ‘whats’. After some initial scribblings, many relating more to things that I don’t want, I came up with this statement: ‘To be focused, engaged, productive, creative, generate ideas and do the best work that I can do’.

I realised that I had defined what I believe I need in order to be both successful and happy in whatever I do. This is the state I am in on my ‘good days’. I often reflect that if all my days were good days I could rule the world. There is nothing that I would not be capable of.

Underneath my ‘what’ I wrote a question: ‘How is this place reached?’ I do not know the answer to this yet, and I suspect it is complex. But I would like to know what you think. What are your ‘whats’ and wishes, and how have you found the means to achieve them?